Will Evo Morales bring the right change to Bolivia?
So Evo Morales was elected president in Bolivia and went for a tour to visit leaders of many countries. Some conservatives now fear that his choise of sweaters will cause a stir up of some kind, but others try to cover more issues in their analysis.
Indian Country Today, an native north american paper cites Blanca Chancosa, a quechua activist from Equador: ''Day and night, sun and rain, we have dreamed, we have resisted; and now, finally, the rights that were taken from us are returning,''
This BBC-article with photo shows that Evo Morales' sweater is not only red, but also blue and white.
This may hold implications for the future and it will be interesting to see which ones. Education and health care for the young generation of quechua or aymara-speaking part of the population would certainly be an important issue to adress, but so far nationalization of gas-plants have mostly been the topic of the agenda.
So what is the best way to raise money for shools and education in Bolivia? Could a social-democratic model such as in the in the nordic countries be implemented in Bolivia or are there other ways to adress this problem?
The link below is to the Democray center, inclusive their Bolivia-Blog.
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