Saturday, February 18, 2006

Snowy saturday

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Today it was time for us future librarians to team up for the course. No time for forest-hikes today, but maybe tomorrow. The local discussion-forum is still busy with excercising their freedom of speach. We talked about cencorship in the nineteenth century, under the king in Sweden and under the tsar in Finland, and how it was changed into the rule we have today: That if somebody writes an offensive article or publishes offensive pictures, it is not possible under the current law to prevent it, by cencoring it. Action, if necessary, has to be taken afterwards. The offended person can require an public excuse which then has to be published in the same paper or media. The person who wrote the offending article is responsible for it, and thus is the one who should apologize.

If the offense is large and can be said to be insulting and aim to stir up hatred against a whole group of people, it is a matter for the police. But somebody has to react and ask for an investigation, of course.

The law is pretty clear here and I as far as I can see it is ok to protest against the cartoons. But not with violence, as is now going on.

Problem is that, both protests and apologies have been issued and the protest could stop here. That it does not makes me wonder what other issues are behind now.

Ever ongoing protests as a way of getting international attention is in the long run not a useful way, but I think it goes on because people in the muslim world might think that negative publicity is better than no publicity at all. So now there is kind of an evil circle here that ought to be broken. Question is what is now the magic word?


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