Foggy shores: Dhimmitude prevails?
I have been browsing some other blogs for the last hour or so. I found the missing cartoons as well as many images of angry people with flags. I also read many angry or ironic comments from people who fear that islamists will gain ever increasing control over legislation in Europe and the USA, forcing newspapers to act as their own cencors, impairing free speach and finally take control over the whole religious scene. It is all much the same we have been writing on our local discussion forum.
In Finland we have the freedom of speech law as one of the corner-stones of the democracy, but then there is also stated that it is possible to speak whatever or print whatever unless it does not brake an other law or regulation. In addition to that there is a new regulation issued in the early nineties that says: A person who publicly speak or print something that is degrading to God or insulting to anything held sacred within a church or other religious community can be imprisoned for up to 6 months or will have to pay penalty fees. Grim news to the creative cartoonists or what?
In an article abouth "dhimmitude" I read on the one of the blogs, the writer discussed why the western community now back down to muslim demands about respect for sacred things or imagery.
Fact is that what the muslims now demand we have had a long time already, alongside regulations for what happens to rapists or child abusers. Freedom is like a rubber band somehow. It can be stretched, but evetually it will break and snap into something ugly if not exercised with thought, good judgement and heart. So where exactly does the "Dhimmitude" start?
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