The danish cartoon row
What has recently been happening up here north is that infamous danish cartoon row which set me off to the usual discussion forum to talk about what it is really about. We have been talking of foundations for democracy and freedom of religion and freedom of speech in the nordic countries in relation to respect for different religions.
I study part-time to become a librarian and what they tell us to do, is to use Infomine in order to find more quality sites, so I tried that and I found several that I got really hooked on for hours. I have seen some friends have published their blogs, but so far I have been too busy with the discussion forums, the folk-music magazine which is my regular work, the choir and discovering skiing-slopes in the forest around here, to really get going with a blog of my own.
Through the discussion about the cartoons I came about many well-written articles, both from english-speaking muslims and from culture-journalists here in Finland, in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
I started to wish I had more international friends to talk to and that was the reason for setting up this blog. This is also the reason why I chose english as the main language of the blog, although my first language is swedish. I hope this will develop into a multilingual blog over time, I hope it is possible to make it possible for anybody who like to do so to write comments in either of these languages or in som of the following: french, finnish, german, danish or norwegian. My idea is that with a little editing it will still make out a readable blog. I found a site about how to write arabic signs, but I am sorry to say this is out of my reach at the moment, so I hope among those I listed you will find one to use.
Feel free to write about also other matters than cartoons, music is as you can see one of my favorite topics.
The link is to a search-engine for academic resources, Infomine.
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