Sunday, September 17, 2006

Children's rights in the media and children's right to influence the agenda

I have got the opportunity to work with a webzine, a magazine on the internet that will concern children and free expression. We will focus on expressions through lyrics and melodies. In order to gather ideas for that project I searched the web for useful links. Here are some that are on to the same subject.

The idea is to give the children themselves the tools to produce reports about their daily live, thus making a worldwide audience of adults better understand the the difficulties children have to cope with. The hope is that adults who come in contact with the reports then will be able to make decisions that can better provide the proper aid.

Since I have worked earlier with a childrens magazine and also for a period studied art; - film and photo, I find this project very interesting. I see it a way of bringing artstudies from a selv-centered exhibitionist view of matters towards a more sociable interactive approach. I hope more people will join in. Here is a report from one artist working in Uganda, who decided to go out of her own gallery and instead help others get their views through...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Women and influence in society

The other day I read a book with the title "Desert flower" written by Waris Dirie, a nomad somali girl who by chance was able to emigrate to London and there became a photomodel. After working a couple of years she found also the courage to publically talk about a difficult subject, a tradition that has had an effect in many young women's lives on the African continent. Read more here what she would like to to in order to change that particular tradition, which she, by own experience, feel is not promoting genderrelated health at all in her homelands.

"I am powerful" is a campaing for women, that focuses on womens resourses for making vital changes for themselves and their families. A good slogan I think, it is well worth the effort to explore this site further and gather some ideas.

Chasing a dream....

It has been a while since I last wrote anything on this blog. I have been working with the folkmusic magazine and also took some time off to go for vacation to Greece. Some impressions from Greece can be found on the Argonautica Cretensia-blog. We tried to relax there, load the batteries and enjoy the sun, the sea and all the colours. Some thoughts of current affairs of course always makes themselves reminded. But in a place like the greek archipelago they surface in a more holistic, maybe artistic manner.
Back home again I have again tried to concentrate on upcoming events. I hope to be able to work with more international projects in the future, this blog is a way of learning more until I find the right forum.
Yesterday I also visited the local library in order to find some literature for the librarian-course I am attending also this autumn. At the entrance I noticed large posters about the Millenie goals set up by UN. Especially the stories on the site Chasing Dream, linked in the headline to this post, touched me.